Why don’t you have to pay for the same solutions anymore?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Businesses don’t like to waste money as well as developers don’t like to do the same things from project to project. So, we decided to solve the problem of both.

Why did we decide to create an admin panel?

It all started in 2020. Due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the market for medical tech solutions began to grow.

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Ideas quickly turned into startups, businesses tried to quickly adapt their products and services to new realities. In both cases, time was the key factor. The sooner you show your innovative solutions to the market, the sooner you get profit. So, at once several customers applied to us for redesigning user interfaces of their apps.

Like any other projects, we started them with collecting requirements and the estimates preparation phases. It quickly became clear that both systems have a lot of basic overlapping functionalities. At the time of the estimates, it turned out that in the volume of MVP, these functionalities made up approximately 30% of the total development time. Saving 30 percent of the budget, especially at the start of the project, is very significant, isn’t it? So, we came to a decision that we don’t want to start our projects from scratch anymore. We thought about creating our own admin panel.

Why did we go with the ReactJS and Antd components?

Our team has great experience working with all popular frontend frameworks and libraries: ReactJS, Angular, Vue. At that moment, more than half of our clients wanted to get solutions written in ReactJS. That’s why we have chosen it for our admin panel.

At the same time, we decided to use Antd components. On the one hand, it is the most popular well-tested library of components in the ReactJS with a large community. It provides you with a lot of ready-to-use components and moreover It allows you to build your custom components dramatically faster. On the other hand, the existing antd-based admin panels are too complex to start, with outdated design or on a paid basis.

What did our admin panel turn out to be?

Bringing together our experience and reluctance to develop the same repetitive business flow, within 6 months we have developed a solid admin panel. We wanted to share a solution that will help millions of developers and hundreds of businesses to speed up the launch of their products - that's why we put the admin panel in open source.

You can see just a small list of its useful features:

  • Medical dashboard
  • All-set business flows: login, sign up, forgot password, profile flows
  • Theming and Day & Night mode
  • 60+ ready-to-use customizable UI components
  • Supports PWA to get all advantages of native mobile apps
  • Internationalized: built-in internationalization support
  • Responsive & adaptive: supports mobile, tablet, and desktop screens

Since the release, we have already received 400+ stars from engineers from all over the world. But what is more important, based on our panel, we have created MVP of voice-to-text automatic translation apps in the selected language. And moreover, we verified that it really saved ~30% of the development time. You can see estimation of our real project with and without using admin template.

What did our admin panel turn out to be?

We will not stop and will continue to develop the admin panel. In a short time, we will release another NFT dashboard panel, add support for the latest version of ReactJS with bundle size optimization and other enhancements. All this will be released in the near future. But you can test our admin panel right now.

We would be pleased to receive your feedback. Don't hesitate If you have any questions hello@altence.com.

See you soon! Sincerely,


Eugen Sadovsky
CTO and Co Founder
June 21, 2022

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